A romance writer awakens with her right eye swollen. I suggest that a male in her life wants her to open-up to something she’s refusing or unable to see (issues on the right side of the body often have to do with male energy. The right is female. Eyes = sight).
Her eyes widen and she quickly mumbles that she needs to get to know her male protagonist better as if she knows what I’m talking about. I don’t need to know what’s going on. Only she does and she did.
How real are the muses that have been credited throughout history for all that writers and musicians and artists create? Does something outside of ourselves truly “sing through” us when we write? What if that same energy or spirit communicates with us in other ways, too? Messages sent through our bodies and through the natural world at large to help guide us from one success to the next with clues and signals how to by-pass negative emotions and reside in a place of emotional maturity?
If you knew the muse to be true, would you listen? Could you be open? Should you be trusting?
17 Steps to Becoming an Effective Communicator with the Muse
- Give yourself the time needed to daydream and doodle, take quiet walks in nature and quiet your mind enough to truly listen
- Be open to all different expressions of inspiration and ideas
- Ask the muse for specific help in solving problems creatively and for real understanding
- Invite the muse in and feel understood
- Create an environment where the muse feels safe to open up
- Rid yourself of negative emotions
- Avoid interrupting the muse
- Avoid judging what comes
- Watch for signs from the muse
- Ask for signs
- Jot down what you see and hear and intuit
- Become aware of nature around you
- Look for meaning in what you come across, notice, are drawn to
- Relinquish your opinions and control over what you think you need or want to provide space and acceptance for new ideas and opportunities
- Show you’re interested and open to inspiration
- Accept the communication that comes to you without criticism or judgment
- Show interest in what the muse is sharing with you by taking notes, writing furiously, giving thanks
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