In celebration of the two-week blog tour to welcome the successful release of The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master, I am giving away 4 free autographed copies of the book.
Winners are chosen randomly and awarded The Plot Whisperer book AND a Scene Tracker Kit.
Master Schedule
The following writers are participating in the 2-week NaNoWriMo-themed Blog Plot Book Tour The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
Week One
*Monday, October 17th
Janet Fox at Through the Wardrobe
Guest post on revision techniques for writers wanting to use the structure and spirit of Nanowrimo for a major rewrite. First, follow the tips I provide on how to re”vision” your story.
Teresa LeYung Ryan at Love Made of Heart
Author and writing coach, Teresa and I have been friends for years. Hers is a more personal impression of energetic markers and thematic significance.
Becky Levine at Moving Forward on the Writing Path
Becky is similar to me in her love of writing and exploration into the elements of a good story. Having known me for years, Becky gives a long-view of the Plot Whisperer book.
Mary Baader Kaley at Not an Editor
Mary asks me questions about plot and the Universal Story as they specifically pertain to writers and critiques.
Kelly Klepfer of Novel Rocket
In asking me to write about what can be learned from the Universal Story, Kelly opened the door for me to write about my passion. Wisdom of the Universal Story allows for effortless writing during Nanowrimo and leads to a more fulfilling life.
Deana Barnhart at Deana Barnhart
Deana asks me questions about why I wrote the book and gives me the opportunity to address the part of the book I am most passionate about along with advice to writers, old and new.
Shreve Stockton at Honey Rock Dawn
As the author of the best-selling memoir, The Daily Coyote, Shreve shares first-hand experience with my plot techniques.
Lia Keyes
I write about how the book helps writers prepare for NaNoWriMo. No amount of pre-plotting can get you to the prize on the last day of November. A smart writing strategy can…
Sherrie Petersen at Write About Now: Ramblings from a Fledgling Novelist about Reading, Writing and Life in a Small Town
In our interview together, Sherrie takes me back to how I became the Plot Whisperer and why I started the YouTube Plot Series — for free.
Charissa Weaks at A Day in the Life of An Author
Charissa read The Plot Whisperer book before our interview together. She commented on how the book affected her and reveals why I wrote this book for her and all the other writers who start out writing by the “seat of her pants”. Charissa asks me specific questions based on the book.
Vivian Lee Mahoney
In our interview together, Vivian celebrates The Plot Whisperer book and the sense of empowerment the book offers. I had the sense her questions were personal (thus, universal) and my answers were important to her.
*Friday, October 28th
Uma Krishnaswami
I met Uma years ago during a plot consultation. That she teaches writing in the MFA/Writing for Children and YA program of Vermont College of Fine Arts and came to me for plot help thrilled me — both that she came from such a prestigious literary school and that she came from such a prestigious literary school.
Linda Joy Myers (President, National Association of Memoir Writers) at Memories and Memoirs
Linda and I met each other years ago through Teresa LeYung Ryan. Linda has always been passionate about teaching wounded people how to use memoir writing as a healing tool. As the women she works with begin to heal, they also get serious about their writing.
I smile as I write this and, at the same time, I am speechless…
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
and visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook(we hope you “like” it)
Plot Whisperer on Twitter
Writing Career Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
Dear Plot Whisperer/Teacher Martha Alderson,
You on Book Tour/Blog Tour is so exciting! I see that you're gracing Janet Fox's blog today giving advice on "re-visioning" one's overall project before embarking on major rewrite. Tomorrow Oct. 18, 2011 you'll be visiting my blog where I've invited hardworking writers to ask questions about Energetic Markers and thematic significance.
Cheers to Plot Whisperer Martha!
Cheers to writers & readers!
Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan
author of Build Your Writer's Platform & Fanbase In 22 Days
Jenna Vi
I've just started reading Blockbuster Plots and WOW are the words you wrote powerful. I cannot wait to dig deeper into it. I am looking forward to this NaNoWriMo themed blog book tour too — thanks for the writing mentoring during this tour!
Lia Keyes
Honored to be part of your blog tour for this fabulous book! It's going to be my suggested bible for NaNoWriMo-ers in need of a helping hand from here on.
Plot Whisperer
We'll have so much fun together tomorrow, Teresa! Thanks for taking part in the blog tour…
Plot Whisperer
Thanks, Jenna V. Your words turn my heart and smile soft… Means a lot to me. Thank you.
Plot Whisperer
We've only met in cyberspace so this may be a bit forward… I LOVE you, Lia! Thank you for your kind words. Your support is priceless to me.