Tomorrow begins International Plot Writing Month and you are joyfully invited! Visit the Plot Whisperer blog here everyday beginning Thursday the 1st and throughout December.
PlotWriMo, also affectionally known as PostNaNoPlotPerfection, came about three years thanks to friend and short story writer Mary Easthamwho had successfully completed NaNoWriMoand was left with — what do I do now?
Every December for the past three years the Plot Whisperer blog has been dedicated to answering that question for NaNoWriMo writers everywhere.
This year is a bit different.
Feedback from writers about the The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master has inspired me to dedicate 2011 PlotWriMo to women writers everywhere resurrecting her dreams. Seems the book not only guides writers through creating a compelling plot for novels, memoirs and screenplays, the Plot Whisperer book also acts as a catalyst to women who have stopped writing though never forgotten the dream.
I am passionate about women’s voices coming to the fore. Our left-brained, logical and linear world of today deserves the balance that can only come when paired equally with a right-brained, holistic and intuitive approach. Women hold that key.
While going through the steps during PlotWriMo, remember that most of the major works that have influenced your thinking have come primarily from a patriarchal point of view about women and our roles and expectations. Therefore, dig deep. Think different.
All this likely sounds like challenging work to the very writers I hope to inspire. Many women writers find plot and structure counter-intuitive… until seen through the Universal Story.
I get ahead of myself here.
All that for December…
See you tomorrow!
To familiarize yourself with the Universal Story and the basic plot terms we’ll be using throughout December:
1) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?on YouTube. A directory of all the steps to the series is to the right of this post. 27-step tutorial on Youtube
2) ReadThe Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master(Now also sold as a Kindle edition)
3 Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Serieson YouTube. A directory the book examples and plot elements discussed is to the left of this post.
For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter
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Good post really nce!
Fi Webster
As a 56-yr-old woman writer who just finished NaNoWriMo for the first time—and who finds herself with an amorphous mass of 53K words that will be part of the first piece of fiction I have ever written—I want to thank you, Martha, for your dedication of PlotWriMo to women writers resurrecting their dreams. Your words about that dedication, especially the part about women being right-brain, holistic & intuitive creatures, really made my heart sing.
Plot Whisperer
Congratulations Fi Webster! You finished NaNoWriMo. You must be so proud of yourself. Quite a feat!
I'm glad what I wrote makes your heart sing. I hope it energizes you to keep writing and rewriting, plotting and replotting your story…