Fall 2013, I cracked open a six-pack of local, organic brown eggs to find four double-yolks. If I cook, which is rare, I cook breakfast, which means I’ve broken open plenty of eggs in my life. Not one has ever had a double yolk. This day, four had double yolks.
Since then, wonderful new pairings have come into my life. Each one brings plot benefits to you in a variety of settings:
1) Jill Corcoran and I created the 1st ever online, live Plot Whisperer Workbook Workshops.
The first workshop in the series: Pre-Plot 4-week workshopSOLD OUT!
We have three spaces available for:
- February Plot the Beginning to the Middle
- March Plot the Middle to the End
- April Deepen Your Plot
Sign-up for all 3 Plot Whisperer Workshops and save $100.00! Plot from Beginning to End
Yesterday, Jill, following her passion, added a 4-week Picture Book Workshop, filling quickly.
Each plot workshop is designed for writers who benefit from: learning about story concept and plot, assigned homework, accountability, constructive feedback on your plot and concept, learning from other writers in a live, video chat format.
2) Jordan Rosenfeld and I met through friends over lunch in late summer. We both commented afterwards of experiencing one of those wonderful kinship sensations, like we spoke the same language. I read her novelForged in Graceand fell in love with her writing. I wanted to write a plot book on scenes. Jordan wanted to write a scene book on plot. Writer’s Digest just offered us contracts for Deep Scenes!
I dreamed of another plot retreat since my terrific host up and moved to the other side of the country. Jordan and I met up at Mt. Madonna in the Santa Cruz mountains and Deep Plotting Writing Retreat resulted.
Two more double-yolk pairing are meeting, matching up, connecting and joining together…
Write with a plot or story plan.
To familiarize yourself with the basic plot terms I use:
1) Plot your story step-by-step with the help of
The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
2) Read The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master named BEST BOOKS FOR WRITERS by Poets and Writers.
3) Refer to The Plot Whisperer Book of Writing Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing
for writing prompts for scene #1 to the very The End, one prompt at a time.
4) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube.
For more tips about how to use plot in your novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Plot Whisperer on Pinterest
Knowing what to write where in a story with a plot reinforces daily writing practice and allows for more productivity in your writing. Whether writing a first draft or revising, if you falter wondering what comes next in a story with a plot, follow the prompts in The Plot Whisperer Book of Writing Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing.
Today, I write.
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