I delight in how a passing comment, a sentence fragment, a sigh can grow from nothing into something. In this case, that something is A Path to Publishing featuring The Plot Whisperer Workbook Workshop Series.
Like a story, what began as an idea has blossomed into 4 four-week workshop intensives based on the PWWorkbook. My literary agent Jill Corcoran brings her expertise in publishing and I bring what I know about plot. The program is powered by an innovative interactive video chat platform that allows you to participate with us directly–as though you’re in the same room (think Skype on steroids! Jill likes to say. I’ll be trying it out for the first time right along with you.)
You’ll have homework, time to share your plot concerns and ask questions from the comfort of your own home. The workshops are limited to 8 writers.
In honor of the new plot series, we’re holding a free give-away of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories. You better your chances of winning each time you play in the special Rafflecopter giveaway.
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