Personal themes pulse from the belly of the novel, memoir, screenplay you’re writing.
One of my own I wrote in the thematic significance section of the up-coming Plot Whisperer book:
Speaking up and speaking out come at a price worth paying.
Now, with the book nearly finished, I find the gem promised in stories waiting there in real life for me.
Speaking up and speaking are not punishable. Silence is.
Speaking out and speaking up are living one’s truth, a truth from behind the veil.
Write down a theme of your own and perhaps you’ll spot from behind the veil a personal wound you have come here to heal…
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I'd like to think that healing a wound is part of the motivation in writing. Surely speaking out is, or what is the point? All of us here on earth, independent of where we are or our particular life experiences, need restoration, and if a writer has the opportunity to do that AND help someone else to do the same, then let's get at it! Life is way too short. Sounds cliche from overuse, but it is an overwhelming truth. Looking forward to Step 22, Martha.
Thanks for info
Great article. Thanks for it.