The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Masteris for writers, readers and seekers, artists and creative people of all types.
Martha Alderson is known as the Plot Whisperer for the plot help she offers writers worldwide. The more writers she works with and the more novels, memoirs and screenplays she analyzes, the more convinced she is that every scene in every book and every moment in every life is part of a Universal Story that flows through our imaginations and in the reality that surrounds us.
The transformative energy in stories is available to everyone. After using Martha’s ideas, you begin to understand yourself better. You’ll see your writing and the work you do in a brighter light. The way you interact with your writing and with the world around you shifts.
Open up a new dimension of life you never before imagined.
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Blockbuster Plots for Writers
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very cool post! thanks!