6th Annual International Plot Writing Month Tomorrow begins International Plot Writing Month and you are joyfully invited! Visit the Plot Whisperer blog here everyday …Continue Reading about 6th Annual International Plot Writing Month
Finish Your Story in a Month with a Flourish Resist the temptation to rush through writing the end just to finish your story. Use wisely the few days that are left to you this …Continue Reading about Finish Your Story in a Month with a Flourish
7 Reasons to Keep Writing Forward during NaNoWriMo Write One Complete Draft at a Time: Benefits of Writing a Novel or Memoir from Beginning to End before Going Back and Starting …Continue Reading about 7 Reasons to Keep Writing Forward during NaNoWriMo
Track Your Scenes on a Scene Tracker Writers use a Plot Planner to pre-plot the overall story. To inspire deeper scenes and another place to pre-plot is by tracking …Continue Reading about Track Your Scenes on a Scene Tracker