A Sophisticated Form of Writer’s Procrastination Two On-going Plot Phone Consultations in a row, with two separate writers, each of whom suffers from a sophisticated form of …Continue Reading about A Sophisticated Form of Writer’s Procrastination
First Draft versus Rewrites I twittered recently about how at first writers often give their full attention to one plotline alone. Subsequent rewrites, we are …Continue Reading about First Draft versus Rewrites
History Provides the Perfect Antagonist A writer I've been working with on an on-going basis picked a unique time in our country's history to write about. Built into this …Continue Reading about History Provides the Perfect Antagonist
Plot Tips for NaNoWriMo Writers 30 days hath November. I fear pulling out my tricky little formula for determining the parameters of your story. Before you groan …Continue Reading about Plot Tips for NaNoWriMo Writers