Plot the Beginning of Your Novel, Memoir, Screenplay Take a moment to assess where you are in writing your story now that you're 4 days into NaNoWriMo. To ensure that you stay on …Continue Reading about Plot the Beginning of Your Novel, Memoir, Screenplay
Plot Planner Plot your story using the universal story form for structure and impact. A Plot Planner mimics the universal story and is the …Continue Reading about Plot Planner
When to Use a Flashback Watch your delivery of backstory ~ the story of what, in the past, made the character who they are today (in story time). Writers …Continue Reading about When to Use a Flashback
Writers on the Hero’s Journey Last Saturday I taught the 1st in a series of 3 Plot Intensives in Capitola, CA. I covered plot at the overall story level. This …Continue Reading about Writers on the Hero’s Journey