Plot Question & Answer (Halfway Point) Question: I've read three of your works: The Plot Whisperer and Workbook and Blockbuster Plots: Pure and Simple and have enjoyed …Continue Reading about Plot Question & Answer (Halfway Point)
Recommitment Scene Another example of what I call the "magic of writing." I just love it when this happens!In going over scenes with a writer, I ask …Continue Reading about Recommitment Scene
5 Key Scenes Scene, moment, conflict, dilemma, loss, fear, etc. that forces protagonist to take immediate action -- Inciting IncidentScene or …Continue Reading about 5 Key Scenes
Slogging through the 1st Draft I wrote today's Twitter (1/2 pt. = commits to journey. Things seem to get a bit better. They're about to get way worse = Crisis …Continue Reading about Slogging through the 1st Draft