Pre-NaNoWriMo Pre-Plotting Tip for the Middle and End of the Novel When thinking / pre-plotting your story for NaNoWriMo, keep in mind that the middle is more than an exotic world of the …Continue Reading about Pre-NaNoWriMo Pre-Plotting Tip for the Middle and End of the Novel
Difference between Crisis and Every Other Scene in the Middle of Your Story The middle of your story is the territory of the antagonists, which means that the antagonists control the new and unusual world. …Continue Reading about Difference between Crisis and Every Other Scene in the Middle of Your Story
Now Trending: 8 Plot Tips for a Mythical Middle Online Free Dictionary defines trend, trending, trends as a) The general direction in which something tends to move, b) A general …Continue Reading about Now Trending: 8 Plot Tips for a Mythical Middle
Swimming without a Life Vest, Flying without a Parachute, Writing without Pre-Plotting First The PWBook of Prompts Challenge is a lifesaver for writers who think of themselves as pantsers -- writing by the …Continue Reading about Swimming without a Life Vest, Flying without a Parachute, Writing without Pre-Plotting First