How to Pre-Plot & Complete a Novel or Memoir in a Month It's early October and already writers look to the future in anticipation of writing 50,000 words of their novel during the month …Continue Reading about How to Pre-Plot & Complete a Novel or Memoir in a Month
Catching Time to Write or Making Time? Sounds like the difference between those of us who jump right in and write and those who plan and pre-plot first -- pantser or …Continue Reading about Catching Time to Write or Making Time?
Writers Block I don't believe in writer's block. From my own personal writing experience and from all the writers I've worked with, I've come to …Continue Reading about Writers Block
Marathon Plot Training for NaNoWriMo In less than 2 hours, pre-plot the characters and events and ideas you're imagining for your NaNoWriMo writing project.The more …Continue Reading about Marathon Plot Training for NaNoWriMo