Writing a Story is Like a Vision Quest When you give birth to the dream of writing a novel, finishing a screenplay or publishing a memoir, you travel the same journey …Continue Reading about Writing a Story is Like a Vision Quest
How best to Use the Final hours of NaNoWriMo Resist the temptation to rush through writing the end just to finish your story. Use wisely the few days that are left to you this …Continue Reading about How best to Use the Final hours of NaNoWriMo
Characters in Action-Driven Novels and Those in Character-Driven Stories Just as some writers excel at creating believable and intriguing characters and others at creating exciting and meaningful action, …Continue Reading about Characters in Action-Driven Novels and Those in Character-Driven Stories
WRITER VERSUS BLOGGER I never write two posts in one day. I'm lucky if I get in one a week. Rather than do what I should be doing -- getting my free …Continue Reading about WRITER VERSUS BLOGGER