Q: My current story has my two main characters. The P.O.V. shifts from one to another in alternating chapters as the chase continues to a surprising climactic ending. I have written a plot summary (chapter by chapter so I know where it is going) and what the arc of the story will be. I have completed three chapters so far, but would appreciate any tips you might share with me on plotting my story with a shifting P.O.V. in this way
A: A quick tip I can give you is this ~~ on your banner paper, draw two plot planner lines, one above the other. One each for the two major characters. Use these lines to plot out their individual plots. Develop a plot profile for each to help with their individual character transformations. This way you’re ensured to have two deeply developed characters and are able to plot out their individual stories and how the two intertwine with each other.
I’ve never commented on your blog, any blog, if truth be known, but I just noticed no comment on this entry and thought I would give it a try. It is as good a place as any to let you know that my week isn’t complete until I check your blog.
Your comments always spur me on to get back to the business of writing. I always learn something new or am reminded of something I’ve forgotten. Usually the comment comes at exactly the right time when I need it most. Thank you.
Helpful idea.