Beware: Do not succumb to a personal crisis as protagonist reaches darkest moment. Evoke the emotion in your writing
The recent tweet elicited a question by Laura: What do you mean by this? This is intriguing.
Way back in January 2013, in honor of the release of my most recent PW book: The Plot Whisperer Book of Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing (a Story with Plot from Beginning to End), I began writing a new novel using one or more prompts everyday. I invited you to join me in writing a story with a plot from beginning to end. Weekly, I shared insights into the creation and significance of the prompts.
On a personal level, writing gave me an escape from what was more and more becoming a disastrous living arrangement. Without going into detail, my life was falling apart.
As I approached the 3/4 mark writing my novel, the prompts daily drew me page-by-page nearer to the moment of disaster, crisis, dark night of what was developing into quite a dark story. My emotional state, refusing to accept any more drama, pain, hurt, betrayal, shame, disappointment, resisted. I stopped writing the story.
I couldn’t, however, stop the personal crisis that had been growing incident by incident into a full-blown mess, stripping me of all the truths I’d lived my entire life and leaving me alone to sort through tattered illusions, every one of them.
After more than a year and lots of work and thanks in large part to my belief and understanding of the Universal Story, I’ve found peace. Finally, I’m ready to finish following the prompts to the end of The Plot Whisperer Book of Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing (a Story with Plot from Beginning to End)and not only write the crisis of my novel, write her triumph while fully embracing my own.
I invite you to join me. Dig out that story you never moved beyond the middle. That story you gave up when the middle muddled, the crisis loomed, the end mocked you, find it and dust it off. I’m taking this weekend to drag out my notes, organize the Plot Planner and my writing cave. I’m not going to read what I’ve already written. I know what’s waiting and am finally ready to face and write the inevitable. Join me.
***Laura, this is just one example of what I mean by not letting a personal crisis strike. I write in depth about how your writing life often parallels your story development in The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master.
Today I write!
For plot help:
Read my Plot Whispererbooks for writers
Watch Plot Video Workshops Series:
- PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month ~~ View your story in an entirely new light. Recharge your energy and enthusiasm for your writing. 8 videos (5.5 hours)+ 30 exercises
- How to Write a Sell a Picture Book with a Plot ~~ Picture books are without subplots allowing the primary plot lines to shine through. 7 videos + 28 exercises
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