TodayThe Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master is featured at:
Week Two
*Monday, October 24th
Shreve Stockton at Honey Rock Dawn
As the author of the best-selling memoir, The Daily Coyote, and my very favorite author of all time Shreve shares first-hand experience with my plot techniques and a secret…
Shreve Stockton at Honey Rock Dawn
As the author of the best-selling memoir, The Daily Coyote, and my very favorite author of all time Shreve shares first-hand experience with my plot techniques and a secret…
****She is offering a free book giveaway.
Master Schedule of the 2-week blog tour for the Plot Whisperer book.
For step-by-step guidance into pre-plotting your novel, memoir, screenplay, refer to:
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
For more about the Universal Story and writing a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit the Monday Plot Book Group series(A directory to this 2nd plot series is to the left of this post and scroll down a bit) and visit the first Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?on YouTube. (A directory of all the steps to the 1st plot series is to the right of this post.)
and visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook(for up-to-the-minute news on plot events, giveaways and inspiration)
Plot Whisperer on Twitter
and visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook(for up-to-the-minute news on plot events, giveaways and inspiration)
Plot Whisperer on Twitter
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Blogs are so interactive wheessay ukre we get lots of informative on any topics…… nice job keep it up !!
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Amazing! Thanks a lot.