Many writers develop one plotline at a time and they tend to begin with the Character Emotional Development line or the Dramatic Action line, while putting off the Thematic Significance line to the end.
Most writers have a preference for one style over the other. The plot line you first choose to carry through the entire first draft is most often directly tied to your strength; strength deteremines preference.
Are you adept at developing complex, interesting, and quirky characters? Or, do you excel at page-turning action? Perhaps you’re one of the fortunate writers and find ease in creating both the Character Emotional Development plotline and the Dramatic Action plotline simultaneously.
Broadly speaking, writers who prefer writing action-driven stories focus on logical thinking, rational analysis and accuracy. Action-driven writers approach writing as a linear function and see the story in its parts. Action-driven writers like structure and usually pre-plot or create an outline before writing. They also have little trouble expressing themselves in words.
On the other hand, writers who write character-driven stories tend to focus on aesthetics and feelings, creativity and imagination. These writers enjoy playing with the beauty of language. They are more intuitive, and like to work things out on the page. Character-driven writers are holistic and subjective. They can synthesize new information, but are somewhat (or more) disorganized and random. In their eyes, the story is seen as the whole. They may know what they mean but often have trouble finding the right words.
Not sure which kind of writer you are? Take the test
For plot help and resources:
1) The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
2) The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
3) The Plot Whisperer Book of Writing Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing.
To continue writing and revising (and, lots of writers are finding PlotWriMo the exact right resource to help pre-plot for a powerful first draft. Knowing what to look for in a revision helps create a tighter first draft):
- PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month
~~ View your story in an entirely new light. Recharge your energy and enthusiasm for your writing. 8 videos (5.5 hours)+ 30 exercises
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