My apologies up front. After today’s consultation, I’m in the mood to rant.
Hold onto your own personal power no matter the cost.
Don’t give your energy over to another and/or to a belief that no longer serves you. Let me repeat that. Do NOT give your energy over to another or to a belief that no longer serves you.
Don’t forget, no matter who critiques you, you are the artist. You are the final decision-maker.
Don’t give your power over to anyone else.
Take notes.
Thank them.
Do for them what you want them to do for you.
Go home and mull over what they have to say.
What resonates with you, follow.
What doesn’t feel right, let go of…
You’re in this with the divine.
Trust yourself.
Listen to yourself.
Whatever drains your energy run from.
Whatever fills you up move toward…
Have fun…
This is why working in film can be such a soul-crushing experience. Often those outside voices trump the artist’s voice, be it the writer or the director, and there’s nothing to be done about it but shrivel up a little bit inside. It’s why David Lynch turned down the opportunity to make one of the Star Wars movies.
I agree with my whole heart. If a writer can learn to listen openly to critique then absorb only that which truly enhances the work, then she or he an excellent chance for success.
Thanks for the rant!
Plot Whisperer
Hi Anonymous and The Tenacious Writer. Thanks for your comments.
Anonymous, your words made me so sad! Artists are so fragile, the gift we bring forth even more fragile.
Writer: I feel like I changed from the moment XXX said… Everything went out of me. (She immediately stopped writing. Hasn’t written since)
Writer: Now I feel like my book sucks.
Me (ranting): I feel like you just slapped the story and the process and the magic and mystery and creative source/force right in the face. This isn’t all about you. It’s also about the fragile thread of creation. Take back what you said. Apologize. Give thanks for your story. It’s who you are. Respect it and honor it.
And, keep writing…
Wow! I’m glad this didn’t come after one of our critique sessions! 🙂
Someone got damaged, yes, by sharing? They let someone else tell them what they should be writing, what they couldn’t write, WHY they had to let go of their own story? No! You know how strongly I feel about this, that that is NOT the job of a critquer. But you’re right, the writer also has to not let it happen, which can be hard–but is vital.
I’m sure you gave them the support they needed to get back to their self and their story. 🙂
Sort of applies to life in general, no?
Plot Whisperer
I don’t think “this” could have come after one of our critique session, Becky (By the way, for those of you lurking out there who don’t already know, Becky Levine is currently finishing up a critique book for Writers Digest that is soon to become the “it” writing book for writers of all genre’s).
We know each other too well, Becky. We don’t get in each other’s way — collectively and individually. We’ve been lucky enough to create a bit of grace together…
Plot Whisperer
Yes, Anonymous, a lot like life…
Interesting viewpoint.
Do you think a person actually become successful, while remaining honest? Is it possible in our current world?
Passion and honesty rarely coincide, in our times. One, or the other, is usually forfeited in the face of monetary gain…
Plot Whisperer
Hi Teresa Silverthorn,
I refuse to believe it!
Even if you’re right, I refuse to live my life according to that belief.
A new consciousness is emerging. It’s up to each of us to hold tight to our core values, especially now…
Thanks for this, Plot Whisperer. We writers need to hold onto our artistic integrity with everything we’ve got and not be swayed by the negativity of others or the negativity within ourselves.
Writing, in its purest form, is a search for truth.
Plot Whisperer
Hi Susan Gabriel,
Thank you for your comments. Good luck on your journey to the truth!
Marta Stephens
I LOVE this!
My first novel nearly went into the trash after a not so constructive critique session. Had it not been for the guidance and encouragement I received from a fellow author, I wouldn’t be published today. I’m working on my 3rd book now. This is one of the most informative blogs I’ve read in a while. Have added it as a link on my authors’ group blog, MURDER BY 4
So glad I found this!!
Plot Whisperer
Thank you, Marta Stephens, for your kind words and generous spirit!! Great good luck with your books.