This month, as you pre-plot for NaNoWriMo, keep in mind that every story and plot idea you brainstorm encompasses 3+ potential scenes:
1) Anticipation
Anticipation of an upcoming event, creates curiosity and sets up tension in the reader not knowing, will the protagonist be successful or not?
2) Event
The actual event the protagonist has been anticipating with expectation creates external dramatic action
3) Reaction
How the protagonist reacts to the event gives clues to the reader about how she internalizes what just happened
Today I write! Rather, today I pre-plot for NaNo!
For pre-plotting tips and tricks and how to write a novel in a month, check out my Plot Whisperer books:
1) The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
2) The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
3) The Plot Whisperer Book of Writing Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing.
To continue writing and revising (and, lots of writers are finding PlotWriMo the exact right resource to help pre-plot for a powerful first draft. Knowing what to look for in a revision helps create a tighter first draft):
- PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month
~~ View your story in an entirely new light. Recharge your energy and enthusiasm for your writing. 8 videos (5.5 hours)+ 30 exercises
- How to Write a Sell a Picture Book with a Plot ~~ Picture books are without subplots allowing the primary plot lines to shine through. 7 videos + 28 exercises
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