I appreciate each of you who showed up for the 6th Annual PlotWriMo. International Plot Writing Month began as plot support for writers coming out of the generative stupor of an intense month-long NaNoWriMo.
We used the Plot Planner as a place to help you balance your intuitive impressions of your story with an equal counterforce: logic. The exercises were intended as pathways to a deepened understanding of your story and all plot levels:
- Thematic Significance
- Dramatic Action
- Character Emotional Development
- Cause and Effect
- Antagonists
- Setting
- Subplots
- Secondary Characters
- Beginning, Middle, End
- Scene Development
- Tension and Suspense
*****Time is running out to sign-up with literary agent Jill Corcoran and me for the 1st ever online, live Plot Whisperer Workbook Workshops evening chats beginning next Tuesday (1/7/14) from 5:45pm Pacific to 8pm for four weeks in January. A few spaces available in the evening. One left beginning 1/9 in the am.
If you benefit from:
1) being held accountable
2) receiving constructive feedback on your plot and concept
3) learning from other writers
join us and continue to deepen your plot and your understanding of your story concept with a comp analysis — all ages, all genres, characters.
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