Online Free Dictionary defines trend, trending, trends as a) The general direction in which something tends to move, b) A general tendency or inclination, c) Current style; vogue
Whatever its true definition, I delight in the term as I imagine experts in the field gleaning all sorts of valuable information by tracking what’s trending at any particular moment. My method of gathering information is more random and haphazard. A Plot Whisperer tweet is retweeted numerous times. The “total reach” is double or triple the usual on Facebook.
Based on those indicators, I make the assumption that writers are eager for that particular plot support.
One such post that recently trended on FB:
Eight plot tips for a mythical middle:
1) call in the antagonists
2) create an exotic world
3) begin middle with overarching conflict or suspense plot point
4) ask yourself: because that happens, what happens next?
5) add a great subplot
6) know the crisis
7) know the climax
8) begin filling in and deepening character flaw
For an in-depth resource to all the questions to ask about conflict when writing a novel, memoir, screeplay, refer to The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories.
1) Track Your Plot at the Scene Level Webinar
Learn to Maximize the 7 essential plot elements in every scene (one of 7 essential plot elements in every scene is CONFLICT) from the comfort of your own home.
Knowing what to write where in a story with a plot allows for a more loving relationship with your writing. Whether writing a first draft or revising, if you falter wondering what comes next in a story with a plot, follow the prompts inThe Plot Whisperer Book of Writing Prompts: Easy Exercises to Get You Writing
Today, I write.
To familiarize yourself with the basic plot terms used here and in the PW Book of Prompts:
1) Watch the plot playlists on the Plot Whisperer Youtube channel.
2) Read The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
3) Fill out the exercises in The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
4) Visit:
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