As an addendum to Plot or No Plot, I’d like to clarify the Plotless…
When I say literary novels are plotless, what I mean is that the Character Emotional Development plot-line is at the fore and drives the story. Dramatic Action is present, though generally as a prop more than a plot. Thematic Significance makes the entire story worth reading. And… the Universal Story Form is always flawlessly present.
Hello Ms. Martha.
I just borrowed from a buddy a copy of your book and found your site. Great site by the way!
I see you have 2 books in the works. Would you say that your books are plotless as well? Seems like you’ve been working on them for years. Wouldn’t you say its counterproductive to be working on 2 novels at the same time? How do you do it?
Or is it due to the possible “plotless” nature of your stories, that makes it difficult to complete, if thats the case?
Curious to know if your own tools have been helpful? Have you been using them to preplot??
Brett from Michigan
Hi Brett, Thank you for your kind words! The two books listed on my website are finished. Yes, I do use my own tools. Yes, they are helpful. Yes, I do pre-plot extensively.
Good luck with your writing.