A plot consultation this week reveals to the writer that the scene sequence she believed was rising to the Crisis rather represents the Halfway Point… perfectly.
Undoubtedly she was disappointed to find she is only halfway through writing the 1st draft of her story rather than 3/4 finished. Still, she knew the story needed the additional page count and by the time we hung up she sounded enthusiastic and empowered to write her way to the Crisis.
Thanks to my background with working with children with learning disabilities (and my own), I appreciate the process of learning new material and find helpful explaining new concepts in as many different ways as I can think of at the time.
The idea of putting her main character in the sort of peril her story demands at the Crisis took to time to penetrate her consciousness on a practical level. She knew intellectually what the Crisis represents to a story. She even had an example in her head of the exact moment in a favorite book of hers. However, to actually bring the concept of the Crisisdown to the actual moment-by-moment action necessary to bring the protagonist to her knees and die to her old personality took time.
The writer knows her Climax which I always view as helpful to a writer because the Climax informs all the other parts of the story.
With the Climax fixed in her mind and the scenes waiting to be written to the Crisis and her commitment to herself to a timeframe, she’s off and writing…
For more on the Climax and what to keep in mind as your write your way there, view Steps 7& Step 8 of the Plot Series: How do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?
For information on the contest we’re running with the series (I’m doing it with fellow writer —Â
Cathy Cress who has a terrific new book out: Mom Loves You Best; Forgiving and Forging New Sibling Relationships): go to Santa Cruz Traveling Mystery Tour.
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