Readers turn the pages based on their interest in the characters or the excitement caused by the dramatic action or both. The Middle goes on for quite awhile (1/2 of the entire project), and sure, there is lots of conflict, tension, suspense to keep the reader reading, but all those scenes are building to something and that something is the payoff ~~ the Crisis (about 3/4 of the way through the entire book).
It’s like climbing a hill. We keep hiking for lots of different reasons, but in the end we’re hoping to get to the top = the payoff. In the case of a story, the Crisis is getting to the top. Except, the reader and the character reaches the top only to realize they’re only part way there, that another peak awaits them ~~ the Climax ~~ the ulimate payoff for the reader, the crowning glory of the entire project.
Analyzing other books similar to your genre helps writers begin to “feel” the energetic flow of the story and better helps you apply the principles to your own work. Plus, you’ll find lots of great hints and tips and ideas when you are reading as a writer, not just a reader.
I get confused about crisis and climax ~~ which is which
Plot Whisperer
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your comment and question.
The Crisis generally occurs about 3/4 of the way through the entire story. It is the scene of the highest intensity so far and serves as a wake-up call to the character.
The Climax comes at the end of the story and shows the character doing something they were unable to do in the beginning and needed all the dramatic action to transform them to the point they could do it now.
Go to and click on the tips page for more help.
Thank you,
This one’s so tricky. What finally cleared it up for me was the idea that the Crisis is where the hero discovers or earns the tool/strength/power in themselves with which they can conquer the villain/bad guy. And they do so. That’s not enough, though, because the bad guy is still part of the “unordinary” world. Then they have to TAKE that strength back into the ordinary world with them and prove that they still have that strength, use it to make the necessary difference in the ordinary world.
Man, it’s as hard to explain as it is to write!
Plot Whisperer
Hi Becky,
Thanks for your comments!
Everyone’s “take” on this is helpful because you never know when the right combination of words will finally click for someone.
Thanks again.