I am always fascinated when one writer curls up in a ball and gives up and, when faced with the exact same problem, another writer is empowered to persevere.Â
Discovery that everything you’ve written sounds trite and infantile, frustration over how to get across what you are truly trying to say, a negative critique, a rejection from a query, poor reviews… we all experience a crisis, a dark night of the soul . Yet for some writers, these beliefs, limitations, judgments strip her of all her power whereas another writer listens and learns and moves on.Â
You can spend all your time wallowing in your backstory — that moment when you first lost your way and relinquished a bit or all of your own personal power to an antagonist(s), be it internal or external, or you can stay in your front storyof putting one foot in front of the other or one word after another on the page toward completion of your goaland hold tight to your own power — not in resentment and revenge but in the loving embrace that all antagonists are simply in your life to challenge you to grow and stretch.
Shrivel and die
Seize your power and move forward
You decide…
Click on green highlighted plot concepts for further explanations via vlog. Each time a concept is referenced you are directed to new information.
To watch the entire Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay?go to my YouTube channel. A directory of all the steps to the series is to the right of this post. Enjoy!
Patty Palmer
Thank heaven's for The Plot Whisperer! I finished your video series and have to say, it was fantastic. The one area that surprised me the most was differentiating the crisis from the climax. I had never thought about them being two separate elements. Now I see it in every book I read and every movie I watch. Ahhh!
And you're right…the video series reveals more than writing instruction.
You pretty much described my writing group in this post!
Putting my hand up here as one who's been curled up in a ball for three months – in response to rewrites that seemed invasive and against my story. However, I have come to realise that they are important and even more vitally to realise HOW I am going to make those changes.
Taking back my power! Thanks for being so spot-on – as always!
Rebecca Bradley
I recently had a rejection of sorts and felt really sorry for myself. Threw myself a pretty great pity party and questioned what I was doing. Then two days later my laptop was out and I was typing again. I think feeling the sting is natural. It's how we choose to recover from it is what matters.
Sarah Allen
You're so right. Its a matter of sticking it out and working through whatever crap comes our way.
Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)
I've been in ball-mode since July 2010!! I'll try and actually heed your great and timely advice this time
Plot Whisperer
Thank you, Patty, for your enthusiastic comments about the vlog. Fun to read! So glad you are able to take the concepts and see them demonstrated in stories you read and watch. Great good luck with your story!
Plot Whisperer
Yay, Charlotte! Taking back your power. Gives me goosebumps. Such a declaration from you is heard far and wide. You are supported in your efforts always! Go for it.
Plot Whisperer
Yes, Rebecca, feeling our emotions is important. And, actually having time to process the information is important, too. It is always our choices and actions that mean everything! Glad to hear you're in the groove!
Plot Whisperer
Sarah Allen, love the way you put that!
Plot Whisperer
Jessica, I believe in divine-right timing and am sending you lots of loving healing energy as you set out after your goal, newly strengthened and with a new sensibility about the gift of writing in your life. You can do this!
Morgen M
My mother was my worst critic. She stole my books one at a time. She's gone now, and yet I haven't gone forward. I have the bones, all ready and waiting for me. It's time to get moving again. Thank you.
I just have to say "Thank YOU!" for making a YouTube series. I took notes, while enjoying the series,over two days. What a find. Mil gracias, Plot Whisperer.
Plot Whisperer
Morgen, I'm so glad you're ready and willing to move into your rightful place in the world and embrace your writing again! I'm holding energy for you as you venture forth. Great good luck!
Plot Whisperer
Thank you, Alvarado, for your kind words! I love receiving feedback. And love knowing the vlog means something to you and your writing life! Have fun.
A very timely post for me as I've just been contemplating these very things – and how to keep myself in the category of writer that keeps moving forward.
Love the video series. I'm still watching the videos and taking notes, getting ready to revise my first draft.
TA Demings
I feel like I am both of those people. Sometimes I let things hold me back, and other times I feel so empowered by the difficulties life throws at me.
Sometimes I feel like I just can't write anything good, and I don't feel like writing at all. Then I remember that all I have to do is sit down and write and eventually something good will come out along with all the crappy stuff. It all comes down to work. Do I want it enough to work for it? YES
Plot Whisperer
Thanks for your comments, Jennifer. I believe that by keeping that thought in your consciousness, setting a goal and predicable schedule, you become that very thing: a writer who writes.
I believe in you! Go for it!
Plot Whisperer
Yay, TA! That's the attitude. Good for you! You have not been crippled by your backstory. Your writing empowers you.
In picking yourself up and writing, your actions inspire others. Thank you!
Jennivie Wirries
I'm trying to pull out of ball mode. Thank you for that!
Plot Whisperer
Yay, Jennivie! Congratulations. Inspired action is always better than negative action. Any action is better than no action….