Pain shoots up from the bottom of her foot, enough so she limps and is forced to wear heavy boots with firm arch supports. Hearing the pain started about a month into writing a memoir and that she hasn’t moved very far into her story even after more than seven months of writing scenes long-hand, I suspect that her foot pain and writing pain were linked.
Often problems with the feet indicate difficulty moving forward. I ask her what the problem is with moving forward with her story.
“I don’t know where to begin,” she mutters.
The struggle in determining the exact right beginning point to start your story is not isolated to memoir writers. Yes, when faced with scenes from your entire life, deciding what to put in and what to leave out can confuse a writer about where best to begin her memoir. The same can be said for novelists and screenwriters as well as memoir writers
With some intense theme explorations, both listing themes that fire up the most energy in her to write about and developing a thematic significance statement for what meaning overall she wishes to convey lead her to the perfect place to begin.
Is that the place the memoir will ultimately begin in the final, final draft? Not necessarily. At this point the most important action this writer can take is to start there and write an entire draft all the way to the end one time. Then she can go back and determine if, in fact, that is the place to begin or take the test I share in my upcoming Writers Store webinar: Where To Start: How To Write the Exact Right Beginning of Your Storyand finally pinpoint the exact right place. (Oh, and I can almost guarantee that by the time she writes into the exotic world of the middle, her foot pain miraculously vanishes…)
Today I write!
For more about how to developTHEMES and aTHEMATIC SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTfor your novel, memoir, screenplay: Read my Plot Whispererand Blockbuster Plots books for writers.
- Looking for tips to prop up your middle with excitement?
- Wish you understood how to show don’t tell what your character is feeling?
- Are even you sometimes bored with your own story?
- Long to form your concept into words?
PlotWriMo: Revise Your Novel in a Month includes 8 videos (5.5 hours) + 30 exercises
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