I forgot to say, Have fun!
In deepest gratitude to each of you responsible for the 3 sold-out plot workshops — at the overall story level, scene level, and thematic significance level, I send a final message that includes writers everywhere — loosen up and have some fun.
Writing is not life or death. We artists like to imagine what we do is so dramatic. And, yes, those elements — life and death appear in the story. Just like in the natural world, over and over again. For you as the writer, both at the physical level and beyond, life and death stands more figurative than literal.
Yes, writing a book will transform you. And, yes, just like your protagonist to get there you have to pass through hell. It’s your character’s emotional reactions shown in scene on a thematic or universal language level that defines her. Your reactions in the Middle (1/2) define you.
You’ve created some cool characters. No? Rewrite history. Your characters have certain qualities you like and admire. Others you abhor and deny. Have fun. Create a cool exotic world to hang out in.
Don’t take it too seriously. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
What I offered in the workshops is analytical and lists to the cerebral side. Now? Get out of your head. Let the practice settle in your body. Take walks. Write. Walk. Write…
Be in the moment of the scene. Shut out the rest of the world. Breathe and dive deep…
Oh… and don’t forget — rumpus!
Thanks for coming…
I want to thank you for inspiring me to get back to writing even though it is little things, poems and such.
Eeleen Lee
I agree with the advice to 'get out of your head'. it is difficult for a writer to do so.
sometimes the best thing for a writer to do is nothing
(for a while)