Daily, I gain strength from a quote of Goethe’s:Â
“What you can do or dream you can, begin it
Boldness has genius power and magic in it.”Â
He also said,Â
“It is almost impossible in the present day to find a situation which is thoroughly new.Â
Only the matter of looking at it can be new, and the art of treating it and representing it.”Â
Your unique voice comes from how you:Â
- Look at your story
- Treat your story
- Choose to represent your storyÂ
Listen for it.Â
Hone it.Â
Trust the process.
Beth Fehlbaum, Author
Great quotes and very useful info. Thanks!
Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of HOPE..
Ch. 1 is online!
Vivian Mahoney
Love these quotes. Goethe was ahead of his time.